Desert Island Authors

At a recent book group meeting someone asked whom we would choose if we could only read the works of one author for the rest of our lives. This is, I hope, a hypothetical question that sometimes comes into my mind if I happen to catch the end of the radio programme, Desert Island Discs, where a guest is asked to chose not only the eight pieces of music they would take with them were they to be castaway on said desert island,  but also to nominate a book to sit alongside The Bible and the Collected Works of Shakespeare.  (As an aside, people often ask for a specific translation of The Bible, but I have never heard anyone ask the, for me, far more important question concerning which edition of the Collected Works; believe me, it matters!) Sometimes the castaway tries to cheat by asking for a group of books by an author, say all the Barchester Towers novels, to be bound together in one volume.  I sympathise, but it isn’t really playing that particular game.  It does, however, raise the question of which author I would chose, a question that we found ourselves discussing at our last meeting.

In the time that we had it was only possible to give just a snap answer, with writers like Trollope and Dickens springing immediately to mind, but coming away and giving it greater consideration later I began to think rather more seriously about the criteria I ought to be bringing to bare. Just from a practical point of view, I suppose the more books they have written, the better.  However good the work might be, I can’t see me opting for a one hit wonder.  But, being prolific doesn’t necessarily walk hand in hand with producing work that will stand the test of time. Which is going to be more important?

Having put to one side for the moment the temptation to choose an author simply because they are on that list of classic writers who have stood the test of time, I found myself considering popular, but rather more light-weight candidates: people to whose work I turn when I am having one of those days.  Jodi Taylor’s The Chronicles of St Mary’s, come to mind. (As a second aside, do you know that you can now get St Mary’s merchandise?  I am so definitely having a mug with an honour and a privilege on it.). There is also a 60s and 70s writer, Jane Duncan, who wrote a series of semi-autobiographical novels about growing up in the Highlands during the early part of the twentieth century and her time living in the Caribbean during the 1950s, when her husband’s work took them out to one of the last great sugar plantations in private ownership. Neither of these authors is likely to win prizes for great literature, but what they both do is create a cast of characters with whom I want to spend time.  I know that Taylor’s Max and Peterson and Markham aren’t real, and that however much I wish it wasn’t the case, Duncan’s Janet, George and Tom owe as much to her imagination as they do to the real life members of her family; none of that matters.  The characters these writers have created are ‘friends’.  There is an entire set of both series on the kindle that goes everywhere with me and if I find myself with just five minutes to spare and don’t want to simply pick away at whatever I happen to have currently on the go, I will select a favourite episode and relive a much loved moment.  (Aside the third – there was an article in one of this morning’s papers about boots with soles that heat up in cold weather and I automatically found myself asking if their design was based on Bashford’s testicles.   Most of you will have no idea what I am talking about, but anyone who has read Taylor’s What Can Possibly Go Wrong will have raised exactly the same question.  Has Professor Rapson finally got it right?)

I found the fact that I was being drawn to writers whose work is at least as much based on character as on plot surprising, because I have always thought of myself as being a plot driven reader but perhaps a writer who appeals just because of their plots isn’t the one to choose in this scenario.  You can only mine a work for its plot just so many times.  However, neither Taylor nor Duncan are using fiction to ask penetrating questions about the human personality and the way in which society works and perhaps over time I would need that.  Choosing an author with those criteria in mind is going to take greater thought and a second post.  Do you have any suggestions?

30 thoughts on “Desert Island Authors

  1. BookerTalk November 8, 2018 / 5:53 pm

    Now this is indeed a challenging question. A three pipe problem possibly… Dickens wouldn’t be on my list (I get too frustrated with his bagginess at times). My choice would have to be someone who can withstand multiple readings because you discover something new each time. A new idea or perspective for example. So like you I wouldn’t go for any author whose books rely very heavily on plot. But nor do I want books where nothing much happens. The one author that comes to mind is Emile Zola. Yes his books have plots but they are also bursting with ideas and social commentary, whether its about the conditions of miners or the rise of the department store. So plenty of variety to keep me engaged.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 11:57 am

      Definitely a three pipe problem! I am ashamed to say that I haven’t read any Zola, so perhaps he would be a good choice just for the fact that I would be coming to the works fresh.


      • BookerTalk November 29, 2018 / 11:33 pm

        I was relatively late to him but was instantly wowed


  2. Kat November 8, 2018 / 7:33 pm

    Fascinating! I don’t know Jodi Taylor or Jane Duncan but they do sound like good desert island books. I’m not sure whom I’d pick. Dickens? But perhaps I’d prefer something lighter, like Ngaio Marsh.

    Sent from my iPad



    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 11:58 am

      I haven’t read any Marsh for years, Kat. Has she stood the test of time? I must get hold of some of them for Christmas reading and see if I still love her as much as I did as a teenager.


      • Kat November 27, 2018 / 9:10 pm

        Oh, I love Marsh! Some of her books are great, others merely fun. But they’re enjoyable, in a Christie-cum-Sayers way.


  3. kaggsysbookishramblings November 8, 2018 / 7:37 pm

    I would struggle with this, because I like to read such a variety of books and to limited myself to one author would be almost impossible. Agatha Christie springs to mind because she wrote so many…. But I couldn’t choose just one, I really couldn’t…


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:00 pm

      It’s hard, isn’t it, Karen? Clichéd though it is, I do still find myself going back to Trollope.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. FictionFan November 9, 2018 / 12:50 am

    Only reading one author is my idea of hell, but if I had to, it would have to be Dickens. Partly because his books are substantial so they’d keep me occupied for a longish time before I had to start at the beginning again. And partly because there’s a bit of everything in them – comedy, tragedy, social commentary, crime, romance, spontaneous combustion…


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:01 pm

      I am tempted by Dickens, but on balance I think I would prefer Trollope. I love the political aspect of his books.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. mlegan November 9, 2018 / 10:01 pm

    “A Handful of Dust” came to mind immediately! I might lean towards Dickens in spite of that. I do enjoy Jodi Taylor, but might need something meatier. Off to look for Jane Duncan.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:02 pm

      I can only find Duncan on Kindle or as a used book these days, Mary Lou. I hope you have some success and r]think it was worthwhile.


      • mlegan November 27, 2018 / 2:11 pm

        I found My Friends the Miss Boyds on Kindle and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks!


  6. Jeanne November 9, 2018 / 10:09 pm

    I’d go for an author who can ask good questions about the human personality because Lord knows the way society works is changing, and however much I like a reread of something like Thackeray’s Vanity Fair or Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, that’s not what I’ll want to be mulling over on a desert island. I’d take a book of poems, probably Larkin, as he is a poet for all seasons more than Auden or Stevens, my other favorites.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:03 pm

      I hadn’t thought about poetry, Jeanne, but you’re right, it would provide a lot of food for thought. The trouble is that I don’t read enough of it to know who to choose.


  7. Nicola November 13, 2018 / 12:45 am

    Jane Austen for me – possibly Persuasion or Sense and Sensibility.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:04 pm

      Yes, Nicola, I love Austen as well, but only six books…..


  8. Liz November 13, 2018 / 6:52 pm

    What a brilliant post Ann – so thought provoking. And I am delighted that you mentioned the Jodi Taylor books – I bought the first one ages ago and, having read part of it, have since been distracted on to other things, so I will definitely be getting back to it. As for my choice, it seems impossible. My immediate thoughts were drawn to Marilynne Robinson’s books – Gilead for example, which has very little story as such, but meditates beautifully on the nature of life and what it is like to be human. But I would probably give a different answer if I was typing this tomorrow! Meanwhile, I will definitely be looking up the Jane Duncan series which sounds really interesting.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:05 pm

      I hope you manage to find the Duncan, Liz and I am delighted to come across another Jodi Taylor reader. I am very envious that you still have so many to read. Don’t neglect the short stories because they fit in in between the novels and add so much to the continuing story.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Constance November 17, 2018 / 4:13 am

    I remember seeing the Jane Duncan books at my library growing up – the My Friend series at least; not sure why I never read them. But Jodi Taylor I have never heard of, and find it amusing that my library system only owns book 5 (where is the logic?) as an ebook. I will have to check elsewhere, although had been thinking I should concentrate for a couple months on books I already own. I always think that way there might be some, once read, that can be given away.
    If I had to subsist on just one author it would probably be Elswyth Thane. She wrote historicals, contemporaries, history, nonfiction. She even wrote a play about Eizabeth I, if I remember correctly.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:11 pm

      I first met Duncan through the library, as well, Constance and initially brought them home for my mother to read when she was convalescent. I have always been grateful that I picked them up myself as well. These days they are hard to get hold of as anything other than ebooks. You definitely need to read the Taylor in order so I wouldn’t start with book five. Thane is an author I have not heard of, so thank you for mentioning her, I shall go on a Thane Hunt.


  10. helen November 20, 2018 / 10:56 am

    Oh how difficult, I’ll have to give it some thought. Absolutely agree about plot only being enough for the first reading or two.

    I am intrigued by Jane Duncan…

    BUT the all-important question, which edition of the complete works would you choose and why?


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:13 pm

      Ah Helen, you have recognised the real heart of the matter! I think overall, despite one or two eccentricities on the part of the editors, it would have to be the recent edition of the Complete Oxford from OUP. It contains both versions of ‘King Lear’ instead of trying to come up with an amalgam text.


  11. Izzy November 20, 2018 / 6:54 pm

    I agree with FictionFan that you’d need something rather “meaty” to exclusively spend the rest of your life with. So yes, Dickens would be my first choice too, and for exactly the same reasons. Balzac would be my second choice as I haven’t yet read all of of his books. He and Dickens had in common a phenomenal energy that literally jumps at you from the page when you read them.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:14 pm

      I’ve read almost no Balzac, so I don’t know enough to be certain if I could live with his works for the rest of my reading life, Izzy, but he might certainly be worth trying.


  12. mlegan November 25, 2018 / 2:15 pm

    Thanks for the Jane Duncan suggestion. I just finished The Miss Boyds and really enjoyed it. Especially since I recently finished The Shepherd’s Life, and they fit together in an interesting manner.


    • Café Society November 27, 2018 / 12:18 pm

      I am so glad you enjoyed it, Mary Lou and so envious of you having them all to read for the first time. You don’t have to read them in order, but it’s best if you can. My own favourites are My Friend Sandy, My Friends The Hungry Generation and My Friends George and Tom.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Kate W December 1, 2018 / 9:14 pm

    A challenging question! I think I’d have to go for someone who makes me laugh and cry – John Irving.


    • Café Society December 1, 2018 / 9:32 pm

      I know that I haven’t read enough Irving, Kate, but I’ve enjoyed what I have read and really ought to explore his work further. What would you recommend?


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