Exposure ~ Helen Dunmore

341df81e231750e5c7f0523db256ffa3In many respects Helen Dunmore’s novel Exposure is a book of contradictions.  Stylistically, it is plot driven, enticing the reader on page by page as the story of Simon and Lily Callington unfolds during what, for them, turns out to be the catastrophic year of 1960.  And yet as readers we are not racing through the book in order to discover what the dénouement is going to be, for the very first thing that Dunmore actually tells us is how the story ends. And, if we have by chance missed the reveal of the prologue, then never mind, we should also be able to predict where the tale is going simply by drawing an analogy, because it will soon become clear to almost every reader that Exposure is in fact a chilling retelling of E Nesbit’s classic, The Railway Children. Simon Callington, (innocent at least of anything to do with espionage) is, like Father in the earlier novel, wrongly accused of being a spy and as a result his wife, Lily, and their three children are forced to move out of their London house and set up home in a small village on the Kent coast where they pretty much live from hand to mouth. Parallels between the two works abound, there is a similar episode to that where Nesbit’s Peter steals the coal and even a mysterious old man who gets off the London train and is instrumental in bringing the story to its climax.

However, while the plot line follows Nesbit’s story, other narrative elements do not.  The change in temporal setting means that instead of taking place in the reasonably bucolic atmosphere of Edwardian England, Simon’s arrest is foregrounded against a climate of post war austerity, suspicion of all foreigners and memories of Burgess and Maclean.  The arrests of the Portland spy ring during the course of the novel serves to heighten further the atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia.  More important, perhaps, is the change of narrative point of view, because instead of seeing events through the children’s eyes in this novel we walk hand in hand with the adults and most especially with Simon’s German Jewish wife, Lily.

Lili Brandt is brought to England by her mother in 1938 and mother and daughter set about erasing everything that might mark them as standing out from the community in which they now live, including their first language, German.  When, as an adult Lily seeks work as a language teacher, it is French and Italian that she offers, insisting that she has no knowledge of what is, in fact, her mother tongue.  But, there are some things that Lily can not obliterate, and that includes her knowledge of how to survive when the authorities are set against you.  It is in the detailed descriptions as to how she goes about packing up her comfortable Muswell Hill home and then teaching the children to make do and mend in what is little more than a seaside hovel, that Dunmore’s writing is at its best. In just a few words she recreates what life was like in the early sixties.  In many respects reading those passages was like walking through my own childhood.

There is more going on here, however, than a simple retelling of a children’s story.  Dunmore is also exploring our propensity for looking at the world and seeing only what we want to see.  The novel’s opening words set us up for this.

It isn’t what you know or don’t know: it’s what you allow yourself to know…It turns out that I know everything.  All the facts were in my head and always had been.  I ignored them, because it was easier.

For the greater part of the novel it appears that this is meant to apply to Simon’s ‘refusal’ to recognise that his colleague and friend from university days, Giles, is spying for a foreign power.  And, indeed that is an important concern which Dunmore thoroughly explores.  However, once again the reader is ultimately faced with something of a contradiction because the really important lesson that the characters have to come to understand is that it is not what you allow yourself to know about others that matters, but what you allow yourself to know, to recognise, about yourself.  There are facts about Simon’s past which he has chosen to push so far down into his subconscious that he no longer acknowledges their existence, but it is those very facts which propel his actions and which ultimately lead to his arrest.  Likewise Lily has to realise that she is still Lili, that she does speak and understand German and that she must allow the dam to break and all the stream and fountain of language that is within her to pour out if she and Simon are to be able to rebuild their lives as a family after their initial trauma is over.

I chose Exposure for this month’s book group with some trepidation.  I read it myself as soon as it was published, partly because it was by Helen Dunmore and I expect to enjoy her work, but mainly because having read a review of the novel it became apparent that its subject matter touched me in a very particular way.  Several decades ago something very similar happened to a friend of mine.  A member of her family was accused of spying for the Russians, only in this real life case the accusations were true.  This meant that I saw at first hand what such a revelation did to her family who, at the same time as they were dealing with what felt like a very personal betrayal, were also besieged by the press and denounced by neighbours just as happens to the Callingtons. Selecting the novel for discussion I did wonder if I was too close to its subject matter to be able to be a good judge of its merits as literature.  However, the entire group was in agreement that this is an exceptional piece of writing and one which stays with you long after you have turned the final page.


17 thoughts on “Exposure ~ Helen Dunmore

  1. Harriet Devine November 12, 2017 / 8:13 am

    I read this and loved it when it first came out. But I have to admit that though I am a huge Nesbit fan, I did not think of the parallel with the Railway Children. Thanks for pointing it out – I feel like going back for a re-read now!


    • Café Society November 12, 2017 / 9:17 am

      The trouble is that once you’ve seen the link it’s like a trompe l’oeil, you can’t not see it. What is remarkable, of course , is that Dunmore was such a brilliant novelist that is simply doesn’t need matter whether you recognise the parallel or not, it remains a magnificent novel.


  2. A Life in Books November 12, 2017 / 11:17 am

    Fascinating review! I missed the Nesbit parallel, too, but given Dunmore’s children’s books we can assume she was also well versed in children’s literature. Delighted that you’re a Dunmore fan. For me, she was one of the greatest under-sung writers of her generation, quietly producing elegant, polished writing deserving of the same recognition given to her male peers. She’ll be much missed.


    • Café Society November 12, 2017 / 1:58 pm

      She was also incredibly generous of her time in respect of young writers. Our undergraduate creative writing students will miss not only her work but her great kindness as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Helen November 12, 2017 / 6:17 pm

    I loved this book when I read it last year and your post has made me want to read it again. I did make the connection with The Railway Children but not immediately, so maybe there were parallels earlier in the book that I’d missed. The only other Dunmore novel I’ve read so far is The Lie and I’m looking forward to reading more.


    • Café Society November 12, 2017 / 6:32 pm

      It’s all the train references in the early part of the novel that really cued me in. I think her real masterpiece is The Siege. It isn’t an easy subject to read about but definitely worth it.


  4. FictionFan November 12, 2017 / 11:25 pm

    This was my first Dunmore and I thought it was wonderful. I did make The Railway Children connection early on, though I only know it from the film, and I found the way she handled it was really clever – it never felt forced or like some kind of awful pastiche, just the adult version, hence darker and more complex. I was a little disappointed in her newest (and sadly final) one, but have The Siege on my TBR, which I’ve been told is another exceptional novel…


    • Café Society November 13, 2017 / 8:40 am

      I think the fact that so many readers don’t make the connections is indicative of the fact that, as you say, this is no mere pastiche but a really serious considerations of what the family’s situation actually was. I think ‘The Seige’ is her masterpiece, so do read it soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kat November 13, 2017 / 1:21 am

    Oh, I must read this! I love Helen Dunmore but I missed this one, and am fascinated by the E. Nesbit connection. Nesbit was my favorite as a child.


    • Café Society November 13, 2017 / 8:41 am

      I think you’ll really appreciate this, Kat, not only for the Nesbit connection but because the writing is so very accomplished.


  6. buriedinprint November 13, 2017 / 11:10 pm

    I always think that I’ve read The Railway Children, but I actually read Five Children and It. And because I do love the idea of the retelling, I will try to read the original first. Nonetheless, thematically, especially with the quote you’ve chosen, this sounds like it’s right up my street. I’m very keen!


    • Café Society November 14, 2017 / 7:59 am

      It is perfectly possible to read this without knowing the Nesbit but I do think that it gives an edge to the family’s situation to be able to make the contrast. If you don’t know Dunmore’s other work then please do use this as a way in; she was a remarkable writer and her early death this summer was a real tragedy.


  7. Jane @ Beyond Eden Rock November 14, 2017 / 11:26 am

    After loving Helen Dunmore’s writing for years, I was rather disappointed by the book before this and hesitant to pick this one up, but now I am delighted that your words are saying to me that this is a return to form.


    • Café Society November 14, 2017 / 1:55 pm

      It really is, Jane. Do put it on your tbr list. I think it is a book you will really appreciate.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Kate Vane November 14, 2017 / 4:31 pm

    I’ve had this for ages but haven’t got round to reading it. You’ve reminded me how great Helen Dunmore’s writing is!


    • Café Society November 14, 2017 / 5:03 pm

      I’m terrible about buying books I mean to read as soon as possible and then letting them drift down the tbr pile. This one is definitely worth excavating and bringing back up to the top.


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